The mystery of the Mikhailovsky castle

The mystery of the Mikhailovsky castle

The Mikhailovsky (or the Engineer’s) castle became infamous immediately after the death of Emperor Paul I, who was strangled in his bedroom in the castle. And no wonder the palce gained bad reputation, since Palace coups and the Emperor’s murder were not a common thing for Russian Empire after all. Read more

The Сabin of Peter I

The Сabin of Peter I

There are few evidences of how Peter lived in the first years of construction of the future capital, while legends galore. However, history has preserved the first building of St. Petersburg to our days – a wooden cabin of Peter I. Read more

The mystery of Rasputin’s murder

The mystery of Rasputin’s murder

One of the most strange and terrible murders of the early XX century happened in the cellars of the mansion. 17 Dec 1916 Grigory Rasputin, an extraordinary and mysterious person, met his end there. A simple Siberian peasant, rude and uncouth, he not only managed to become a favorite and indispensable advisor of the Royall family, but also actively interfered in the political decisions of the sovereign.Read more