The Cathedral looks fascinating due to its monumentality on the outside and the amazing beauty inside. The Kazan Cathedral was built and named in honor of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God, which Is placed inside the temple and is considered to be one of the most revered icons in Russia. So the queue of people wishing to touch the shrine is a common thing here. Read more
When you are a regular traveler, it is difficult to explore one of the most beautiful cities in the world — Saint-Petersburg — in a short period of time. A great opportunity to literally look over the whole city look is to visit one of the viewing points of the Northern Capital. The panoramic terraces of cathedrals, museums, restaurants and hotels will allow you to combine a walk and a tour, arrange a romantic date and make great photos. Read more
The Mikhailovsky (or the Engineer’s) castle became infamous immediately after the death of Emperor Paul I, who was strangled in his bedroom in the castle. And no wonder the palce gained bad reputation, since Palace coups and the Emperor’s murder were not a common thing for Russian Empire after all. Read more
The Grand Palace along with the large fountain cascade in front of it is the main attraction of Peterhof and architectural dominant of the whole Palace and Park complex. This monumentally looking building has about 30 rooms inside. Read more
In general, Nevsky Prospekt appeared in 1710 as the connection of two roads from the Admiralty and the church with the trade route. There is a legend about the birth of the Nevsky prospect: it is believed that the road was built (or, rather, cut through the forest) from two ends. Read more
There are few evidences of how Peter lived in the first years of construction of the future capital, while legends galore. However, history has preserved the first building of St. Petersburg to our days – a wooden cabin of Peter I. Read more